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Street Team


Hey there! I'm H.M. Darling, but now that we're friends, you can call me Hayley! If you're here, you probably love paranormal/fantasy romance, and you've come to the right place!


Here's the thing. Publishing books is hard. It takes a village. I can't do it without people like you, who make this all worthwhile and exciting. I want to establish a kick-ass street team to help me bring my books from idea to publishing perfection.


Applications to join my ARC and beta reading teams are always open! I'll save your application forever, so even if I don't need help now, I can reach out as soon as I do.


Please read the appropriate section in it's entirety to learn the requirements and what's in it for each of us, then fill out the matching Google form. 

ARC   Readers

If you have an active Bookstagram or BookTok account and love leaving reviews, this is the section for you! I'm looking for some awesome people to read my books early, leave reviews on sites like Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble, and scream from the rooftops that they loved (or, at the very least, liked) my books. 


So, in a nutshell:


Step 1: You will automatically receive ARCs from me 3-4 weeks before every book release (no need to sign up again).

Step 2: You post a review on one or more of the sites mentioned above, and your Bookstagram or BookTok account.

Step 3: We all celebrate release day!

Step 4: When I can, all ARC readers will receive special thank you notes in the mail from me, including some swag from the book (art prints, bookmarks, etc).


I do not count the amount of followers you have on any platform - you do not have to be a huge account to apply for ARCs. As long as you consistently leave reviews, you will be considered. 

Beta   Readers

If you love giving feedback and helping make the book the best version of itself, this is the spot for you!  I need a few beta readers to read early drafts of my books and provide developmental feedback on things like character development, plot, setting, storyline, worldbuilding, etc. The more feedback you have, the better! I typically give 3-4 weeks for beta readers to read and provide feedback.


Here's how it works:


Step 1: When I have a draft ready to share, I send an email to the team asking who has time to read. If you do, great! If not, no hard feelings, I don't expect everyone to read every time.

Step 2: You will have between 3 and 4 weeks for a full-length novel and 2-3 weeks for novellas to read the draft and provide feedback via inline comments and the provided feedback form.

Step 3: We all celebrate release day!

Step 4: Beta readers will receive free paperback copies of the books they edit for me, as well as some swag from the book (art prints, bookmarks, etc).


Potential beta readers will be asked to provide a feedback sample to see if our styles mesh. 

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